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Jay Austin

Jay Austin

1,689 sessions since 2020




Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Skills and methods

Past Life Readings

Psychic Readings


Life Coach

Life Path


Spirit Guides


Dream Interpretation

Stress Management



Spiritual Coaching

Love Readings


My approach

All I am asking for is your trust , Honesty and Patience,and I shall do my best to make you happy and satisfy with my readings .Together with my spiritual gift and experience .I am compassionate and Caring person .I shall let you see through the truth beyond the false things happening in the life.



Divorce /Break ups





My background

I have 20 years of experience in the Psychic Readings. I am a Third Generation Psychic Reader. I am here to serve those who need the Guidance.I am a gifted psychic with the abilities of seeing Past, Present and Future. I only don't do the Readings or Predictions but go through the realities of your life and guide you towards the right path of your life. With my help and guidance You will be able to see the real picture of your life and then chose the right direction of your life. You will come to me with heavy heart and before the end of the session with my healing energies, You will calm down and going to feel way better in your life. Note: Please come with the open heart and mind for the readings. I shall tell you the truth .ty

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