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Psychic Jasper

Psychic Jasper


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My Services

Skills and methods

I use my clairvoyance and empathy to connect deeply and spiritually to answer your questions , I prefer not to use tools but on occasion I will use my blessed set of Angel cards and the Tarot to support what comes through from my own Automatic writing.

I am clairvoyant and empath of great experience, working in a professional environment for over 20 years, my world wide return client base is testament to the the satisfaction and peace of my mind my readings offer.

I work with career and life path guidance, healing relationships, unhappy animals and financial issues.

I pride myself on bringing comfort to my clients and illuminating a path way to a better fut

My approach

My approach is to work with the deepest empathy and caring approach, however that does not mean I will sugar coat my readings the truth is sometimes hard to hear but it is my responsibility that my clients leave their readings empowered and fully prepared to challenge any problems they maybe facing.

The strongest advice in life comes from our own guides, often it lies deep within our own hearts and all the time we just needed to hear it from someone for it to resonate and connect deeply with us so we can act with confidence and gain the advantage over any hurdle that life throws as us.

I believe what we do today creates our own future, so must act courageously


-Relationship guidance

-Reconnecting loves ones


-Does He/She Love me?

-Will I get married?

-Career/Business advice

-Dream interpritation

-Pet Psychic

My background

I inherited the great gift of clairvoyance and empathy from my mother in the same way my Grandmother passed it on to her . I am a third generation psychic from a family of light workers and healers.

I have been working with spirit professionally most of my adult life, but even in my early childhood my clairvoyance was strong, I was often described as wise beyond my years as a child, truthfully I had an advantage, my intuition and my ability to feel and see events before they happened often made me appear with adult like knowledge.

Being from a spiritual family, it was easy to talk about my experiences refine and to use my gift to begin helping people and animals from a very young age.

Animals both wild and domestic pets would often seek me out if they were sick or in need or shelter, they stay close to me for comfort, that life long bond with animals continues to this day.

I made it a priority to travel extensively, where I was able to increase my understanding of spiritually and different religions and have the deepest respect for all cultural backgrounds I realised from my travels just how much we can learn from each other and how sprit connects us all energetically, I find it a blessing to be able work with clients from across the globe where I continue to be surprised in just how much we can learn from each other just by listening and embracing diversity whilst realising spirit connects us all in the same beautiful way.

It means we all have the ability to help each other no matter what culture, religious backgrounds or country we come from Spirit connects us all worldwide


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