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M. Ghaleb

2,386 sessions since 2021




Reading Categories

Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Financial OutlookFinancial Outlook
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Skills and methods

Tarot and Oracle Reader - Advisor

Love and Relationship Readings

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, Thoth Tarot - Aleister Crowley, Egyptian Tarot and Kier Egyptian Tarot

Bellini Oracle Cards, Delphos Oracle Cards, Greek Mythology Oracle Cards;

I Ching and The Book of Mutations Oracle

Readings in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French

My approach

I believe that Tarot is a complete living being that takes by hand on a journey through the vast Ocean of our unconscious minds. It’s like a Temple of Wisdom that has been left to us by a Divine Intelligence. It’s where we can access the Past, the Present and the Future, because in this Temple everything happens at the same time, NOW. Together we can search for Light, Wisdom and Healing. There ar no coincidences: we can be guided by the Universe and unveil the real Knowledge to reach one go the Paths that will lead us to a happy and fulfilling Life.


Love and Relationships readings

Financial and Career readings

Celtic Cross Guidance


Astrological Complete Guidance Spread - Career, Love, Finance, Family, Heart, Mind, Horizons, all in one complete spread - Predictions for a complete year - hour long complete and detailed reading, try it!

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