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Psychic James

Psychic James

1,194 sessions since 2018

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Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Christian ReadingsChristian Readings
Financial OutlookFinancial Outlook
Skills and methods

I combine many different skills during readings, including energy work, energy reading, auric reading, chakra reading, and the Tarot system. When it comes to personal momentum, the Tarot often provides the most detailed explanations in understanding our path and assisting us in gaining personal momentum for the future.

My approach

I am both straightfoward and compassionate. I truly believe that every person creates his or her own future, so I am not a psychic determinist. We have the power to shape and mold our futures. The cards do not create our future, but rather, they show us the current momentum we have in designing our future experiences.


My qualifications are:

Tarot & Intuition Qualifications & Certifications:

For several years I have been reading the Tarot. I also teach on the subject of Tarot, training others how to gain insight and understanding using the archetypes of this ancient mystical tradition. I am a Certified Tarotist and also a Certified Spirit Guide Coach.

New Thought Certifications & Recognition:

Ordained New Thought Christian Minister since 2007. I also have a certification in "New Thought" Metaphysical Healing Affirmations.

Reiki, Energy, & Angel Healing Qualifications:

Along with intuitive readings, I also work in the

My background

I specialize in many types of energy healing including Reiki healing, psychic healing, aura and chakra balancing, removing psychic debris, anxiety and stress relief, and past life healing. I am a Master in four different Reiki traditions including Usui Reiki Ryoho, Vedic Karuna Reiki, Kagami Reiki, and Egyptian Seichim Reiki. Along with energy healing, I act as a cosmic coach for individuals. Working with intuition, empathy, angels, and guides to help each client discover his or her true destiny. A significant amount of my work is with the archetypal energies represented by the archangels. I use the term "archetypal" because although they can and are represented by personality, they are also represented as vibrational energy that is beyond culture and religion. In readings, I pull from each technique along with using the archetypes within the Tarot system to bring insight and understanding for my clients.

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