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Ena tarot reader

Ena tarot reader

5,929 sessions since 2016




Reading Categories

Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Financial OutlookFinancial Outlook
Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Skills and methods

Rider Waite Tarot, Gypsy fortune telling cards, Horary Astrology, I Ching, Dowsing pendulum

My approach

Down to earth, direct, honest, realistic.


Rider Waite Tarot, Gypsy fortune telling cards, Horary Astrology, I Ching, Dowsing pendulum

My background

Intuitive Tarot and gypsy card reader. I do real, personalized readings. Also I am I Ching and pendulum consultant. I offer deep insights in any kind of situation, especially when relationships, love and any other kind of partnerships are in question. I can offer meaningful insights about future events and general life directions, giving advice what is the best way to proceed. I can help people decide between choices, help them decide right, help them to avoid problems and bad outcomes. I am also a practitioner of traditional astrology. I can answer all of yours specific question via Horary astrology.

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