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Egyptian Oracle

5,782 sessions since 2015




Reading Categories

Psychic ReadingsPsychic Readings
Love & RelationshipLove & Relationship
Tarot ReadersTarot Readers
Life QuestionsLife Questions
Spiritual ReadingsSpiritual Readings
Dream InterpretationDream Interpretation
Pet PsychicsPet Psychics
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Christian ReadingsChristian Readings
Astrology ReadingsAstrology Readings
Chinese AstrologersChinese Astrologers
Mayan AstrologyMayan Astrology
Vedic AstrologyVedic Astrology
Feng ShuiFeng Shui
Financial OutlookFinancial Outlook
Skills and methods

I am able to use many different methods to give you the best reading possible all at once .

My approach

Compassionate but Direct.


All questions that you may have about ;Love ,Life , Finances , Spiritual Healing , and any Guidance You may need. I also specialize in Love, Life,and curer spells when needed.Pricing quotes available in chat . Given out at my discretion. All is done at my office . All payment (S) are finale and none refundable. I am also doing email readings if I am not online . The work 90 %.Be advice that only God is 100 percent . I try my best to help but I cant guarantee 100 percent for the spells.

My background

Hi , my name is Egyptian Oracle , I have been a psychic for most of my life . I am a ninth generational psychic . I have helped thousands of people reach their dreams and hopes for the future . I can help in all matters of life . If you are looking for a caring , compassionate, truthful and direct psychic who will not just sugar coat things for you  but will tell you the honest truth and help you .

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